Patryck Sandoval
About Patryck Sandoval
My Story.
My Mission.
Certified Personal Trainer
I’ve been a big guy my whole life and had never exercised other than playing a little soccer when I was younger. When I got to high school, I found myself feeling very insecure about my weight but still never did anything about it. In 2018, I finally decided I had to make a big change with my lifestyle and my diet to be happier and also took up running. I soon became addicted to exercise after seeing the positive effect it was having on me and kept working hard, losing 100 lbs. in about six months.
Up to that point I was doing everything myself, but I also wanted to start getting stronger. I knew I didn’t want to just go to a gym and start lifting weights without really knowing what I was doing and possibly getting hurt. I knew I needed help with this phase of my journey, so I checked out ActiveBody Fitness and started with a personal trainer. I enjoyed the training and the environment there so much that I was offered a job as a Front Desk Associate, and soon after I started studying to become a personal trainer and passed my NASM-CPT exam!
I want to help give people the same satisfaction of personal growth that I experienced through exercise, and show them what it can do, not only for physical but for mental health as well. I specialize in weight loss and strength building, and create custom programs designed for each client to meet their goals!
Strength Training
Adults seeking to enhance their athletic performance in recreational and competitive sports.
Learn several mobility exercises to improve your flexibility and function.
Weight Loss
Lose weight through customized workout plans from your personal trainer.
Patryck Sandoval

Certified Peronal Trainer, NASM-CPT
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