About ACtiveBody fitness
Our Story.
Our Mission.
We are the area’s premier presonal training center, located in Racine, Wisconsin. ActiveBody Fitness was established with the goal of improving the quality of personal training services over what we found at typical big-box gyms.
We are putting the focus back where it should be – on client success!
At ActiveBody Fitness, there are no exercise gimmicks or fitness fads. We focus on building strong client relationships and practice the fitness basics — strength training, corrective exercise, cardiovascular conditioning and knowledge — to help our clients improve their everyday lives and reach their fitness goals.
It’s easier than you think to get started! Just pick up the phone or message us and let’s get going on the road to a fitter future.
You can do this!
Strength Training
For adults seeking to enahace their athletic performance in recreational and competitive sports.
Learn several mobility excercises to improve your flexibility and function.
Weight Loss
Lose weight through customized workout plans and diet plans.
The Gym
ActiveBody Fitness is co-owned by Brendon Bourdo & Brandon Kutka, of Racine. Kutka is a National Academy of Sports Medicine-certified corrective exercise specialist and personal trainer.
The training center is 5,300 square feet of space in the former McIntosh Flooring building at 2818 Lathrop Ave.
We don’t have all of the machines found in a gym. We believe the basics provide a more effective way of training. We use squat/bench press rig, dumbbells, kettlebells, free weights, barbells, resistance bands, ropes & medicine balls.
Activebody Fitness

Peronal Training
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Contact Us now for a FREE Consultation and GetActive Fitness Assessment. The Starting Point to a Fitter You!